Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The world didn't end

Yesterday was June 6, 2006, also expressed as 6/6/6. There were a few (thankfully very few) superstitious individuals who were concerned that the world would end yesterday. Of course it didn't, because nowhere in the Bible does it specify the number of the beast as the calendar date signifying the end of the world.

I even heard that casinos were giving odds on the end of the world. My question is, if you won the bet (i.e., the world did end), how would you collect your winnings? What would be left for you to spend it on?

Sunday, June 04, 2006


My, this has been one of the worst years for allergies that I can remember. My only relief has been the medication I'm taking. (Yes, I've learned when to take it now so that I don't risk falling asleep during Sunday service and other inappropriate times.) Otherwise, I'd be a wreck whenever I step outside my house. Now, I'm only a minor fender-bender. I pray that things will get better over the summer because that's the time of year when I'm often asked to help out with outdoor activities.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

What long weekend?

One of the interesting things about my vocation is that I don't celebrate things like long weekends. For most folks in town who get tomorrow off work for Memorial Day, they have three days of personal time. Because of my schedule, however, I usually spend Saturday preparing for Sunday services, then hold service on Sunday, and spend Monday taking care of issues that arise from Sunday. Not that I'm complaining, only that my view of work is a little different from everyone else's.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend. Even though I'm technicially working, my work is fulfilling enough that I don't mind doing it over a long weekend.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Do not operate heavy machinery... or deliver sermons

My allergies have been acting up lately, and the standard over-the-counter medicines haven't been working, so I got a prescription for a stronger drug. It came with the common warning about causing drowsiness, etc. Usually, those side effects don't apply to me, but this drug knocked me out. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way when I took my first dose in the morning before today's sermon. I don't know how I made it through, but several people asked me afterwards if I was all right. We all had a little chuckle when I told them about my allergy medication. Now I know when I should and shouldn't take it!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Thoughts on "The Da Vinci Code"

The buzz surrounding the book and soon-to-be-release movie "The Da Vinci Code" is growing in Cherbeek Bay. All copies of the book have sold out in town, and many people are eagerly awaiting the film's arrival at our movie theater. We don't often get worked up over popular culture -- it's one of the pleasantries about living in a small town. However, I suppose the events of earlier this year have sparked more interest in religious themes. Whatever the reason, more and more people have asked me what I think of "The Da Vinci Code". I first read it a couple of years ago, so my memory of the story is a bit foggy. I remember it being an entertaining story, but there are a lot of religious conjectures the author made that don't agree with the facts. Nevertheless, I wouldn't dissuade anyone from reading it for fun -- just remember that it's a work of fiction, and not to take it all seriously.

Monday, April 24, 2006

God's work in spring

Spring has finally sprung. Although spring officially began a month ago, the trees and flowers are just now starting to bloom. This is my favorite time of year. I feel like nothing shows the beauty of God's work like spring time. I like to take a break in the mornings and walk around the edge of town, to smell the roses, as they say. It also helps inspire me in what to talk about the next Sunday, because seeing everything that God created makes me thankful indeed for His blessing.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Strange prayers, part 2

I mentioned before that during the recent college basketball tournament, I had some requests from people asking me to pray for their team. Today, I had a couple of people ask me to pray that they don't get audited on their taxes! I know the Lord works in mysterious ways, but I don't think He gets involved with the IRS!